Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.


A Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a formal, written agreement that offers students guaranteed admission to a University. Six UC campuses offer guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet eligibility requirements through the UC TAG program. (UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego do not participate in this program).

In order to qualify for a TAG for any given campus, students must complete all of the TAG criteria for the university and for the specific major (if listed) to which they will apply. These requirements are campus-specific and will vary depending on the type of program that is offered. Some majors will not be eligible for a TAG.

Most agreements require that your math and English courses are completed or in progress at the time you apply for a TAG. Be sure to start these courses early if you are planning on applying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for a TAG at more than one campus?

No. Be sure to select a campus for which you have met all of the TAG requirements.

How do I know which requirements to fulfill?

Each campus website will list their TAG eligibility requirements. You can use to determine which courses at Solano will fulfill any course requirements for the TAG agreement and then work with your counselor to add these to your education plan. TAG requirements are updated yearly.

When do I apply for TAG?

For fall admission, TAG applications may be submitted as early as September 1st and must be submitted by September 30th. For winter/spring admission, TAG applications may be submitted as early as May 1st and must be submitted by May 31st.

Even if you submit a TAG application, you must still apply during the regular admission period, or you will not be admitted to the university—even if you met the TAG criteria. Fall admission applications open on November 1st and must be submitted by November 30th. Winter/Spring admission applications open on July 1st and must be submitted by July 31st.

How do I apply for TAG?

You can apply for TAG through your UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) account. This account allows you to enter all of your coursework for each semester and includes a link to apply for a TAG. When you apply for admission during the regular application period, you can import all of your TAP data into your application which will save you time on entering your course information.

Which campuses accept winter or spring TAGs?

As of now, UC Merced and UC Riverside are the only two campuses who accept spring or winter TAGs.

My goal is Berkeley, San Diego, and/or UCLA. Why should I apply for TAG?

Even if your goal is not to attend one of the six schools that offer a TAG, applying for a TAG will give you a guaranteed option should you not be admitted to the campus of your choice.

I don’t qualify for TAG at my chosen school. Can I still apply?

As long as you meet the minimum eligibility requirements for the campus and major that you select, you can apply to UC campuses--even if you don’t qualify for the TAG program. Being competitive for admission looks different at each campus. Speaking with an admissions representative from your desired campus can be a great way to learn more about the admissions process. You can see who will be visiting Solano by viewing our Transfer Center Events Calendar.

Additional TAG Resources

UC Transfer Admission Planner

This site allows you to create your TAP account and complete your TAG application.

UC Admissions TAG Website

This website gives an overview of the TAG program and links to information related to TAGs.

TAG Matrix

The TAG Matrix lists the different TAG requirements at each university, such as who accepts winter/spring TAGS, deadlines for math and English course completion, etc. You will need to visit the individual campus websites to look at the detailed requirements for your chosen school and major.

Individual Campus TAG Websites

UC Davis:

UC Irvine:

UC Merced:

UC Riverside:

UC Santa Barbara:

UC Santa Cruz:

Counseling Department

Meet with a counselor for help determining which courses you need to take to fulfill TAG requirements and to build an education plan that includes these courses.

UC TAG Workshop